Thursday, September 10, 2009

OK well its a while, i know. just popped in to do a quick update. ok lets see whats happened 'of interest' in my life? Well for starters with my workouts I have lost 2 sizes!! I am quite excited, I must say. I was very dedicated to my routine. Now for those of you that caught the word 'was' lemme just explain... I was working out the exact amount my trainer advised me to & was trucking along just fine. I mastered my eating (which I still do very well with) & was doing the exact machines for the exact times he said until... my back totally 'went out'. I could barely walk much less known, workout so for the past 2 wks I have been paranoid to eat, lol. I did manage to get to the doctor who 'fixed me up' (I was told it was sciatica) & i was then able to go back to part of my routine, well for one day then I was so wiped with the flu it was very difficult to go back. I am still quite motivated & plan to return to my regular gym activities asap. I will say I do NOT like going to the gym I am doing it because I am seeing such awesome results, again I do NOT like it, lol... Another good thing that has come out of it is that 3 ladies that I work with have been inspired to join the gym themselves! So I was excited about that.
Now on to other events. lets cover the recent illnesses. Jack- fine, Sydney- flu like symptoms, Casey flu like symptoms, ear infection & oh yeah a busted eardrum... yeah you heard right. Its still draining a good amount (yes I have googled it & consulted her peds) apparently its not that big of a deal so I wont worry. I had flulike symptoms, back pain then the rest of the flu like symptoms (you know because it wasnt completely done). Of course Bowie hasnt had any problems so thats good cuz he has to work ;-D.
Well our Summer has come to an end & we are preparing the kids for private school this year which is a big change for all of us. We are nevertheless, all excited. My little Casey will probably have to adjust the most because she will be all alone all day while the kids go to school. But alas she will be fine. Well kind folks this is all for now. Perhaps my nexte wont take as long to come ;-). goodbye to all... for now.

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