Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer Fun and Clingy baby

Well as we have attempted to shift to 'summer schooling' we've learned that its not as easy as it looked on paper. The lure of the other kids and the absence of the alarm clock seek to destroy it all! I need a sure fire way to defeat them both! Any suggestions?? Well I plan to set a loose schedule for the school/alarm part. as far as the constant barrage of neighbor kids... well we will have to work on that.

I have a little boy. Hes the cutest 8 month old in the land. He adores me... to say the least. He wants me with him most all the time and sleeping in his bed is a definite no-go for him. I don't mind co-sleeping per se but he is no longer comfortable in his, er... my bed so he fusses till I'M out! The nerve!  have tried several different methods to get him to sleep in his bed but to no avail. He will 'hang out' in the crib if I'm folding clothes or something but to go to sleep is not happening. I really don't want to use the CIO (cry it out) method but it's coming down to that. I know he is ONLY 8 months and this wont last long but t really doesn't feel that way at 2am when everyone else is sleeping peacefully and I am staring at the walls...again.

On a positive note I am getting through 'The Money Saving Mom's Budget' book by Crystal Paine. It is quite insightful. A few of the things  was already doing but she has given such awesome ideas to further reduce my grocery bill. I am working on other areas to reduce as well but this is my biggest project. I am so pleased to say that today's grocery bill was significantly less than the previous ones, about $80 less! Now I did use some coupons but I mainly tweaked my menu and shopped from the sales ads. I usually pre-plan my menu from what we want to eat (or what I want to cook). That method is fine at some point, I assume but for now the way she suggests is best (as evidenced by the $80 savings). I did plan my menu for 2 weeks and I will browse the circulars next week to see if there are any great deals but otherwise Ill leave them alone. I do shop for markdowns on meat, dairy & some produce and I typically get bread products (buns, tortillas etc) from the bread store. My largest obstacle in my menu planning is the picky eater. It seems no matter what I put on the menu for breakfast or lunch they turn their noses up. I have a few tricks up my sleeves though. I'll report back on those later.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Well school is officially out in the public schools here which of course mean the neighborhood kids are coming over more frequently now. Also the steady barrage of 'can we/they spend the night?'. In sure we will soon be visited by the 'I'm bored's' but I am determined to defeat that this summer and not in the conventional way. I have decided to continue schooling through the summer. I won't be as 'structured' as in the fall but I will keep certain subjects open. I think we will focus on math, spelling ( I plan to do a spelling bee bi-weekly), reading, bible and some kid friendly science experiments. It sounds like a lot but I won't be doing all of it daily as to make time for their summer activities & mine.

Our budget is still tight but through God all has been provided! He never ceases to amaze me. He has made a way for us to continue with Classical Conversations! I am so excited! I find myself channelling my inner frugal now though. I am currently reading 'The Money Saving Mom's Budget' by Crystal Paine. She gives awesome advice. Some I am already following (Dave Ramsey's budget system and monthly menus and such). My garden, which I have discovered may not be large enough for all of us, & my menus show the biggest improvement with regards to money saving. I enjoy the challenge of seeing how much I can save without the household knowing the difference in quality of meals. I have turned to my beloved Pinterest for tips on homemade recipes. If you don't know the wealth of info on there, as I have said before, you are missing out!

Well today's picture is me and my husband in our best cowboy dress for Cowboy Sunday event at our church. Don't judge me for not having my actual cowgirl boots on. I had to throw them away a few months back from overuse. I truly adore cowboy boots!

I may do an update soon as thee is something I just know I'm forgetting to include in my update but I can't pinpoint it. I have a cacophony of children sounds in my background and its a little hard to focus.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Such an eventful week. No one thing in particular we've just been busy. We got the garden mostly finished (pic to follow). Trying to wrap up school and set up for summer school. I will keep math, reading, & writing. I am also going to introduce spelling bee words. My goal is to actually hold a weekly spelling bee but we will see how that goes.

My oldest has mentioned a vague interest in aviation and of course I jumped on it. There is a local Civil Air Patrol unit that I may look into. If any of you have any experience with CAP feel free to advise. He can't join till next year because if age so I have time.

Due to a change in finances we have had to tighten the belt around here. I find the challenge exciting. I know God is my source and I'm protected because I am a tither so the question is not 'Will we make it?!'. It's more like 'I wonder what God has in store for us?!'. It would be great to just go back to work but this baby boy is not letting that happen. He wants nothing to do with a bottle still but at least he does drink from a sippy cup (straw type). That is good but we will have to experiment more with my milk in it. He drinks water in the cup now.

I wouldn't mind working a few days a month but I need to be sure I am not making it my source, instead of God. Some of you may think that the job is a way God brings money & I agree that it is one way but I also know my God can provide without it. With this little one having such an adjustment period and knowing how big of a deal that means to us I have to rely on Him.

Having said that I am looking forward to the future. I feel like a kid who knows their parents got a gift but just doesn't know when she'll get it! Weird, I know but it's the truth.

Well my little brother, Q, has announced they are expecting. That means our family will add 3 babies this year!! I'm so excited!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Senior 2013

Well it's done! My little brother, the baby boy, has graduated!!! I am so happy for him! I'm more happy for me! That was exhausting. Perhaps now a little bit more normalcy can return to my daily life? Ah, we'll see...
It was very nice to see what I have to look forward to with my little ones. I can only hope I'm as held together with my J-boy as I was with him. Fortunately I have the [still] clingy baby to pull me back down to reality. A topic for another day. He's my lovey baby so I'll try not to complain.
As I sat calculating the years till mine don the beloved cap and gown I wonder just how quickly they'll feel like they've flown by. My oldest has 7 yrs, at most, left. To say that seems like a short time but to look at him in all his innocence I think 'oh, that's so far away'. I hear it will come before I realize it but we shall see.
Well again, we had an awesome night. I didn't get a pic of all of us which I regret but we will survive! Congrats to all 2013 graduates! May your future be fill with you seeking Gods will for your life and pursuing it with vigor!