Tuesday, July 28, 2009

First day of swim class

As is common among my peers @ this age, a lot of my friends are having babies. I have myself on such a schedule that I kno another baby is in 'the works' for us soon I just dont know when to 'schedule it'. I have certain criteria for my pregnancies, so to speak. I do not want a December or January baby (too busy that time of year & I dont want the babys bday to get lost in all of that). I have one in Feb, March & April already so those months are out. May is great but my grandmother says too many other bdays r then so its 'not good for her'. June is decent (its in the running) & July & August are TOO HOT to be 9mos pregnant!!! September is also 'ok' but youd still be in the final trimester in the heat (not an option). October is actually a decent month & November is my bday month so I wouldnt mind having a lil one then either. So to review: the months I am 'open to deliver' are June, October & November. That puts me getting pregnant in September, January or February. hmm now that I look @ it like thats its do-able... ok well one of my future post may be in direct relation to this one.

In other news the kids started their swimming lessons today. I was excited in the beginning but once I saw their fear & knew I couldnt swoop down & comfort them immediately I became nervous. Jack started crying with fear over the part where they have to put their heads in the water & although Sydney usually pounces on the opportunity to show him up by making sure she shows everyone she can do better then him, she didnt this time & followed in his footsteps of crying. I figured when he got over it & started participating that she would follow in those footsteps as well but... well she didnt. She was very upset with herself for that & needed some TLC after class. After dinner I had them put their swimsuits back on (with goggles) & we played 'who can hold their face in the water the longest' in the tub. Sydney won, of course. I cant wait to see how much this little excersize has actually helped tomorrow in class.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

the Tooth Fairy

Ok yes my children believe in the tooth fairy- dont judge me, lol. Do I wish I hadnt told them... yes sometimes but whats done is done rite? OK well because 'the tooth fairy' kept forgetting to put the money under the pillow @ night 'she' came up with a plan. 'She' told me to tell the kids that 'she' was only paying for the first 4 teeth & none after that. The kids, not knowing any better, were ok with it. Well yesterday Sydney lost her 4th tooth & last night when she put the tooth in the envelope she wrote her name in cursive. She made such a big deal that the tooth fairy commented on how nice her handwriting is. Well this morning she was soo excited on the comment that was left. She got $3 &when I asked if she was happy with her money she said " When I opened the envelope I just saw $1 & then I opened it a little more & saw the other $2 & I was happy." I said what would you have done if you only got $1? She said (with the straightest face) I wouldve left a note for the the tooth fairy that said 'I dont care if you like my cursive, you owe me money for my 5th tooth!" I almost lost it trying not to laugh...