Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week 2 of the Play.

Week 2 of the play is upon us. Tomorrow we go out of town to perform and although I know that I know we'll do great I also know my mind will be with my little cub back home. Yes, I have decided to leave him home, for the first night at least. Like a trial if you will. We have gone over everything that needs to be done and my awesome super supportive hubby even took off work! Man he is great isn't he?! I need him in my life. Not to be outwitted the baby decides to start teething so bring on the excess drooling, crankiness, clingy-ness, sleepiness oh and temp... Ugh. As if I don't feel guilty enough! Tomorrow is just a trial. If he doesn't do well he comes with me Saturday! Regardless. The playwright won't mind but my helpers will. I have recently found out they don't want to travel with us. I don't blame them overall but I feel like the whole world should be as concerned about my cub as I am. I know what that must sound like but it sounds great in my head.

This weekend could round out April as my busiest month thus far. Too bad we have 8 months left to break that record. In addition to Bears prom and day one of the play on Friday, we have Saturday which is Syd's team pic day, soccer game, and of course day 2 of travel. Next weekend is just as busy with multiple birthday parties. I will be so glad to get back to my routine which is... Um... It's starts with. Wait. I don't have one do I?! Ugh so much for that.

I will have up give you another play update after we're done. I hope it will be timely. For now I am almost done with the menu for May. Bowie had requested that I not have beans every Wednesday, much to Jake's displeasure. I tell you that so when you see the menu you will know what happened to 'Beans Wednesday'.

In other news we have started watching 'Drive Thru History' on Netflix. I don't know if you've ever seen it but its very interesting. In the beginning I thought his vocab was a little advanced for my younger ones but they picked it up with few problems. Of course the kindergartner doesn't have quite the attention span for it but she comes in and out. I found a study guide online so we review afterwards and the kids really enjoy it.

I'm looking forward to our trips this summer. I look forward to leaving everything behind mentally most of all. I will mainly be able to do that with the California trip but ill take what I can get. I'm not overwhelmed, just a little tired. We still don't know where we're going for out family vacation but I've heard Great Wolf Lodge in Texas is good for our herd. The kids want Disney but... Well we shall see. I've never been a huge fan of the mouse so it only makes sense that they're rooting for him right? *rolls eyes*

Well I am going to go to bed now. I pray that the actual act of sleep soon follows. Please overlook any grammatical errors, I'm sure I have.

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